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Last updateLun, 27 Feb 2017 8pm

Slovenia, jurist Miro Cerar wins elections on 13 July with his personal party SMC

Slovenia, jurist Miro Cerar wins elections on 13 July with his personal party SMC

Ljubljana - The center-left "Party of Miro Cerar" (slovene: Stranka Mira Cerarja, SMC), personal party of the candidate and political newcomer Miro Cerar, won Slovenia's national elections on 13th July 2014.

Cerar is professor at the Faculty of law of the University of Ljubljana. His party, which was established in June 2014 under his own name, reached nearly 35% percent of the votes. With these results, the SMC would secure 36 seats in the 90-seat parliament.

The opposition centre-right Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) led by ex-premier Janez Jansa, won 21 percent of the votes.

Rejecting any deal with the SDS, Cerar said coalition talks would start immediately: "We do not see any possibility of a coalition since SMC is a party that has been acting against some state institutions" he said.

The center-left politician has pledged to rewrite a package of reforms to fix the eurozone member's poor finances.
He will lead Slovenia’s fourth government since the eurozone’s 2008 financial crisis.

Elections in the country were agreed after outgoing Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek lost the support of her centre-left Positive Slovenia (PS) party and resigned in May.

Chi siamo

Direttore: Maurizio Pertegato
Capo redattore: Tiziana Melloni
Redazione di Trieste: Serenella Dorigo
Redazione di Udine: Fabiana Dallavalle


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