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Last updateLun, 27 Feb 2017 8pm

The world loves bollicine: Prosecco wine exports rise by 27% in the first half of 2014

The world loves bollicine: Prosecco wine exports rise by 27% in the first half of 2014

Pordenone - Prosecco producers have reported a 27% rise in export volumes in the first half of 2014, with the US boosting the Italian sparkling wine's overall performance.

The Prosecco DOC Consortium, the body which represents producers in the north-east Italian regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, said that global volume sales of spumante in the six months to the end of June jumped 37%. Frizzante wines, meanwhile, saw volumes up by 7.4% on the corresponding period a year ago.

In the US, overall Prosecco volumes in the half-year period rose by 33.5% to 1.27m cases. Spumantes wines saw 35% volume growth in the US, while frizzante wines enjoyed more moderate growth, of 6.1%.

The US now accounts for 18.5% of Prosecco exports and is the third largest market behind the UK and Germany.

Luca Giavi, the Prosecco DOC Consortium's director, said: “We will continue to focus on our target markets in the US, UK and Germany, while consolidating domestic efforts and looking toward the Eastern European and Southeast Asian markets.”

Chi siamo

Direttore: Maurizio Pertegato
Capo redattore: Tiziana Melloni
Redazione di Trieste: Serenella Dorigo
Redazione di Udine: Fabiana Dallavalle


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