Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium will have its statutory seat in Trieste
- Dettagli
- Categoria: English blog
- Pubblicato Lunedì, 11 Agosto 2014 11:43
- Scritto da Tiziana Melloni
- Visite: 5841
Trieste - Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, European consortium for research infrastructures (Ceric-Eric) for life sciences and nanotechnology will have its statutory seat in Trieste, Italy, by the Research Area in Kras.
Ceric-Eric will put together national multidisciplinary analytical, synthesis and sample preparation capabilities of six countries, Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.
With an investment of over 100 million euros, Ceric aggregates centers that develop and make available to researchers and industries the most advanced analytical tools for the research.
The new European legal entity Ceric-Eric will exploit the full scientific potential of the Central European area in the synchrotron light and other microscopic probes for analytical and modification techniques for a broad range of applications in the fields of life sciences, nanoscience and nanotechnology, cultural heritage, environment and materials sciences.
Ceric will be instrumental in overcoming fragmentation and fully exploiting the members' capabilities to outreach and attract users at world level, and to connect with capabilities and resources at international level.
"Ceric is the first European consortium for research infrastructures with a registered office in Italy. We are particularly proud of this result and, more importantly, to have been chosen to host the consortium in Trieste, by Elettra" said the president of Elettra Synchrotron Trieste, Carlo Rizzuto.
(photo: Gabriele Crozzoli. All rights reserved)