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Last updateLun, 27 Feb 2017 8pm

A bridge between Vienna and Trieste in the name of contemporary art and culture

A bridge between Vienna and Trieste in the name of contemporary art and culture

Trieste – Vienna in 1914 was the capital city of Austro-Hungarian Empire. At this time, the city of Trieste (Italy, Friuli Venezia Giulia) was part of the Empire as well.

The two cities shared strong cultural and economic connections. Trieste was the unique harbor of the Empire.

As a prosperous seaport in the Mediterranean region, Trieste was the fourth largest city of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The First World War brought to disruption the imperial power of Vienna. At the end of the war, the city of Trieste was assigned to Italy, according to provisions of the 1915 Treaty of London and the Italian-Yugoslav 1920 Treaty of Rapallo.

Nevertheless, the contacts between the two cities were always alive. On the occasion of the commemorations for the 100th anniversary of the beginning of First World War, a special cultural event has been organized in Trieste, involving more than 200 artists from Austria.

In the last years, Vienna has invested many resources in contemporary art. The aim of the Municipality is to bring the city back to its role of european leader in music, theater and art.

From August 1st  to September 14th  the Mak - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art, which by the way celebrates its 150th anniversary, on invitation from the Municipality of Trieste, will bring in the historical Fish Market a wide range of cultural events, such as art exhibitions, music performances, talks and film showings.

The aim of the event is to strengthen the link between Vienna e Trieste in order to implement the dialogue between artists and cultural operators of the two cities.

The opening of the event will take place on August 1st, at 7,30 p.m. The exhibition “Gemeinde Baut. Wiener Wohnen 1920 bis 2020” will open its doors at the same time.

The Mayor of Trieste Mr. Roberto Cosolini and the councillor in charge for culture Mr. Franco Miracco will be present to give the welcome of the city.

Every evening from 8,30 p.m. to 1,00 a.m. (on Saturdays till 4,00 a.m.), performances, talks and shows will be on stage, in a relaxed atmosphere.

Main sponsors of the event are Generali, Fondazione CRTrieste and Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Mr. Jürgen Weishäupl, a Viennese professional organizer of cultural events and art exhibitions, is the referent of the whole project.

Explains Mr. Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, director of the MAK and promoter of multidisciplinary programs: “The Salotto viennese in Trieste will give to the public the opportunity to discover the contemporary creativity from an unexpected perspective. MAK, in such an informal way, aims to promote interregional exchanges between artists”.

Mr. Jürgen Weishäupl has intended the cultural exchange more like a personal relationship than a static exhibition: "instead of bringing the artworks - says Mr. Weishäupl - we have worked to bring the artists. We want to create a place where people meet in person, exchange ideas and opinions; where the artist, the performer, the director of economic and even cultural institutions are invited to present their projects and discuss together”.

Guests of the inaugural evening will be some of the most prestigious names of the international cultural stage, like Mr. Christoph Thun-Hohenstein - director of MAK - Vienna, Mr. Peter Weinhäupl - director of the Leopold Museum, Mr. Christian Schantl - Wiener Wohnen, City of Vienna, Mrs. Marlene Ropac - director of Austrian Film Academy, Mrs. Eva Fischer - director of sound:frame festival.

The program of the event is available on the website www.salotto-vienna.net

Chi siamo

Direttore: Maurizio Pertegato
Capo redattore: Tiziana Melloni
Redazione di Trieste: Serenella Dorigo
Redazione di Udine: Fabiana Dallavalle


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